Solesister8 / SnookerCueT

Exactly anyone who thinks their money went anywhere other than her pocket is an idiot including the snooker players who were giving her the stuff to sell hoping they could get in her pants
Yeah it's her thirsty follower Paul rinaldi supplying her with all the shit for her to peddle.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone actually have anything to share from her or is it all just bitching about her? I'm not a simp and I'm not a bitchy girl either! She's hot and has a great body and that should do shouldn't it?
Fair enough like, but surely there comes a point where it gets a bit beyond bitching and becomes slightly stalker like
Could say the same about mrs stalkthehawk always checking up on what's being said about her.

And you're outting yourself as one of the spies she says she has too. What do you get out of it? Free sub to her only fans?
You say you're not a simp, but you sound just like one.

I'm no stalker, and I'll continue to say whatever I want about the woman. I believe she's scamming her simps to fund her lifestyle.
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Well-Known Member
Could say the same about mrs stalkthehawk always checking up on what's being said about her.

And you're outting yourself as one of the spies she says she has too. What do you get out of it? Free sub to her only fans?
You say you're not a simp, but you sound just like one.

I'm no stalker, and I'll continue to say whatever I want about the woman. I believe she's scamming her simps to fund her lifestyle.
Ha no man I'm no spy! I just want to see tits and ass that's all!! Lol
She's outting some innocent guy on twitter called Silent J saying I'm him. I'm not.
But of course we're the ones that are apparently stalking her. She just can't leave it alone. she thrives off the attention.
I suppose she needs a boost to her "charity" income, cause she's just splashed out on a audi.

Looks like you're good for a free sub to her onlyfans though Maximus.


Well-Known Member
She is a proper con artist! Lol. Knew she watched this thread and tried to play nice but her and her husband are a pair of robbing cunts! The way she talks to people then gets her Twitter simps to back her up with her edited convo screenshots is just too funny. Think the inland revenue and police need to look into their financials! There is definitely some fraud going on with her "charity" work. I bet it's so she can say she's unemployed for tax reasons. Like withdrawing her ofans cash and running it through her contributions so they can get hide it from the government.
Haha apparently she likes what you've said and wants you to message her I'm guessing she hasnt seen this latest comment lmfao dopey cow
She is a proper con artist! Lol. Knew she watched this thread and tried to play nice but her and her husband are a pair of robbing cunts! The way she talks to people then gets her Twitter simps to back her up with her edited convo screenshots is just too funny. Think the inland revenue and police need to look into their financials! There is definitely some fraud going on with her "charity" work. I bet it's so she can say she's unemployed for tax reasons. Like withdrawing her ofans cash and running it through her contributions so they can get hide it from the government.
Well played mate, well played :D

Yeah deffo some fraud going on there for sure. I smelt it from the very start. the whole noahs ark thing sounded well dodgy, so much so that just giving banned her. And now her married snooker simp paul rinaldi is playing a part in it with him supplying her with snooker balls & cues to auction off to her deseperate simps.


Active Member
Haha, just saw her blowing her top on twitter again so thought I'd come and see what's happened on here. Brilliant stuff. Apparently we should have a whatsapp group and all be sweating in front of our computers and have shit jobs and no money. She's absolutely riled, it's hilarious.


Well-Known Member
It's because she's so used to men just agreeing with everything she says and isn't used to being called out for her scummy behaviour and thinks because she's midly attractive then everyone should just bow down to her and never question what she does I'd never even heard of her and wouldn't have even bothered looking into her if she hadn't have been on another site kicking off and talking shit lol
Yeah and we've all been rejected by her apparently. Despite no evidence.

Her twitter followers are hilarious though. Want to shag her so bad, they'll buy some worthless snooker balls signed by shit players.
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