Shina at a bikini fitness competition after giving birth


The Fappening Bot
Staff member
THIS INCREDIBLE twin mum overcame post-natal depression that left her in tears for weeks and unable to leave the house for months and is now competing in fitness competitions and proudly displaying her loose skin and stretch marks on stage to inspire other new mums to be proud of their post-baby bodies.

Insurance consultant, Shina Pierce (29) from Auckland, New Zealand, got into fitness in 2014, training four to five days a week. Having always dreamt of becoming a mum one day, two years later Shina and her partner, Chris, decided to have children and were shocked to discover they were expecting twins. Shina experienced some bleeding after her second month of pregnancy so stopped exercising as she was worried she would miscarry. After difficult labor involving being induced which took four days and natural birth in December 2016 where she lost a lot of blood and experienced a second-degree tear, Shina welcomed her beautiful daughters, Harper, and Nicole into the world. Like many new mums, Shina had no energy for the first few months and was getting up every hour for her twins throughout the night while trying to recover from her tear which made it difficult to move around. Feeling exhausted, she experienced shortness of breath getting down and up off the floor which made her long for her pre-pregnancy body.

For the first few weeks of her daughters’ lives, Shina was tearful and felt as though Pierce couldn’t cope with being a mother due to the lack of sleep. Post-natal depression meant she struggled to leave the house for the first three months following the birth. Post-pregnancy, Shina weighed 14st 13lb and was a UK size 14 to 16, but after four months she gradually started to get back into fitness by going on walks with her girls in the pushchair and doing quick 15-minute home workouts before going back to the gym a year after giving birth. Now Shina is back to her pre-pregnancy weight.

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