Erin Willerton



You have to be VIP to see it, bumping threads will not help when trying to gain VIP status


Send PM's to @Vixen777. If you don't get in just keep sending them. He's supposed to let active members in, but drags his feet about it.

DO NOT DO THIS.... I REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS""""!!!! the guy is just a troll who keeps returning & winding members up for kicks.

There is NO VIP section, it's just something long time members use to wind up the naive & thick newbies.


Active Member
DO NOT DO THIS.... I REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS""""!!!! the guy is just a troll who keeps returning & winding members up for kicks.

There is NO VIP section, it's just something long time members use to wind up the naive & thick newbies.
Aww cmon don’t spoil it for everyone
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