25 thoughts on “Gal Gadot X-Ray (2 Photos)

      1. ISO

        Yea that’s funny considering all religions of every denomination on this planet are false. Your a fucking joke and any one like you.

      1. Kill the Jew genital mutilators

        What shit name to give to your daughter. Disgusting culture. But that’s nothing. Imagine that you mutilate the genitals of a 8 DAYS old baby. You are all sick cunts.

    1. JusticeLeagueX

      kill yourself you Anti-Semitic neo-Nazi. Oh wait you probably shouldn’t, after all with such fervent anti-Semitism you are probably some ISIS suicide bomber in training. Fuck off freak.

      1. LM

        Anti-Semitic means nothing anymore. The house of Shem laid in the house of Japheth and created modern Europeans. DUH.

      1. Stupid Name Here

        lol relax, chances are he’s here because he’s bored and wants to get a reaction out of people like this. There’s 0% chance that Gal Gadot will ever goto a fappening site other than to have it taken down, so yeah.. he’s here for you.

    1. LM

      She has brown nipples. I prefer ARYAN babes like Erika Eleniak or Ann Margaret. Even today, they’re babes. Jewish women don’t age well. They start looking like the Wicked Witch or Joan Rivers.

  1. slopstop

    Wayyyyyyyyy hotter than Emily Ratashit… Dark large nips…a sperming would be required to make a topdeck (chocolate).

  2. LM

    Like all the “women” of her tribe, she doesn’t have a jugular notch. It’s a beauty mark only found in most Aryan women. Sad.


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